Totally Free Call 100% Free Call
We brought you a new free service PokeTalk. PokeTalk is free telephony call service which offers free call to more than 50 international and domestic destination. This company claims that they give out millions of minutes per month to different countries. Pokltalk is basically web based telephony service. There is no sign-up fee, no downloads and no connection charges etc. This is 100% free calling service but during call you will see an ad on the page where you will enter your and your desire party’s number. Now adays there are plenty of VoIP based companies who offer such free calls by showing ads. That is basically new and good way for advertising.
- Just go to their site Here
- Fill out the form with required information
- On the next page enter your number and your destination number. Their system will first call you, once you answered the call, you will be connected to your desired number.
you can find further information on their site. Keep in mind UAE, Pakistan, India is not in free countries list, as most all Europian countries listed for free calling.
If you are looking for free calls to Pakistan, India and Bangladesh then please review my previous posts, there are plenty of free minutes calls to those countries.
Sign Up and Make 100% free call anywhere in the world.
Very Interesting service
Keep posting things like this.
Its very Interesting application.
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